Why Always Web Hosting?

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Are you tired of site downtime caused by your hosting situation? Is your business suffering because you’re spending too much time and money on your infrastructure? Or are you just looking for the smartest, fastest way to get your company online? Then you’ll want to look into hosting with AlwaysWebHosting.com.

Virtual managed hosting provides you with a complete outsourced hosting solution – allowing you to get online fast, avoid upfront investments in hardware and staffing or training – all while retaining full access and ultimate control. More importantly, however we offer a 30 day money-back guarantee, and a 99.9% uptime and fanatical technical support.


We focus exclusively on maintaining your Web servers. Our employees are completely focused on managed hosting – and they do it extremely well. You might say that we are an inch wide and a mile deep.

World-class Data Centers

There’s nothing shoestring about AlwaysWebHosting.com’s facilities. Your server will be in a world-class, secured data center with 3 levels of security, plenty of UPS backup power,Ā  backup power generators, and N+1 redundant HVAC systems. Our data center is Cisco-powered, and has a 99.999% uptime guarantee. What’s more, our Intel Pentium processors and large inventory of replacement hardware ensure a quick hardware replacement guarantee.

Multi-homed Network

We buy transit from a number of backbone providers to ensure visitors will get to your Web site as fast as possible. We have SLAs with all of our providers to ensure packet delivery from your server. This, in conjunction with our BGP-routed network, 8 Tier 1 providers and over a gigabyte of connectivity guarantees 99.999% uptime and FAST packet delivery.

Rock-solid SLAs

We are so sure that we can meet or exceed your stringent requirements that we have put our guarantees in writing.

Month-to-Month Contracts

All our configurations are based on month-to-month contracts. Not only does this make it easy to scale your server up or down at a moment’s notice, it also assures you that we will earn your business every month through our outstanding technical support.

Straightforward Pricing

Get exactly what you want at a fair price – no hassle required.